Friday, June 6, 2014

Macmillan Publisher Field Trip

From Cheryl's Writing Crate

I'm back!

I didn't expect to have a 3-week hiatus, but now that I'm finally feeling better and catching up with life after having pneumonia, I'm so excited to be blogging again here at The Writer's Crate.

One of the greatest parts of this blog is my blogging partner, Kate!  You're already familiar with her wonderful insight into all things "writing" because her post each Monday is always so thought provoking.   I'm grateful that she was able to provide our blog with fresh and exciting content while I've been "fishing", so I'd like to publicly say "Thank you Kate!"

My writing career has taken many interesting paths, and one of those paths landed me a wonderful opportunity with Macmillan Publisher's in New York City.  This was not something I went looking for, actually, this opportunity found me, and I owe it all to my first book, Pregnant Women Don't Eat Cabbage.

I was fortunate to have a book signing four years ago that drew a pretty large crowd.  Humbled and on cloud 9, I soaked in every aspect of that evening including mingling and getting to know my guests.  It just so happens, one of those guests came as a friend of a friend and guess what she did for a living?  Yep--she worked for a major publisher in New York City.

A year after my book signing she contacted me because she remembered meeting me at my book signing.  She had since changed jobs and was now at Macmillan Publisher's producing their Quick and Dirty Tips website.  There was an opening for their parenting expert, known as Mighty Mommy, and she made the arrangements for me to interview for the position.

Two years later, I'm thrilled to be working as Macmillan's "Mighty Mommy" (I guess 8 kids qualifies me as somewhat of a parenting expert) and just a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting their headquarters in NYC.

Next week's blog will go a bit more in depth as to the experience I had visiting a major publisher (pinch me!), one that I hope to be publishing a book with in the future. (pinch me again!).

For now, I am so happy to be back blogging with The Writer's Crate and hope this finds all of you pursuing your writing dreams, even if it's as little as one word at a time!

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