Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day For Writers

From Cheryl's Writing Crate

 Today, we celebrate the birthday of the United States of America--the day in 1776 that we adopted the Declaration of Independence.   As we celebrate this inspiring and meaningful holiday for our country, it seems fitting that we discuss what "independent" goals and achievements we as writers have made during the first half of the year and those that we strive to meet before 2014 makes its grand entrance. 

Many will celebrate the 4th by going to a picnic or barbecue, enjoying the beach or the lake with family and friends and perhaps winding down the day by watching a colorful display of fireworks.  As we give thanks for our independence, we as writers can also celebrate this patriotic holiday by honoring our creative mind and those very important writing goals we set for ourselves six months ago. 

The mid-year point means it’s time to regroup and refocus. What do you want to accomplish in the second half of 2013?  What do you need to complete by the end of the summer to stay on track? Just break down your goals into manageable parts and they will be way easier to accomplish.
Whether you are writing your first novel or your tenth, launching a new blog, trying to syndicate your column, or just as importantly writing for pleasure each day because it frees your mind of so many precious thoughts that need to come to life on paper, don't fall behind and lose track of those "independent" writing goals of yours that were so important to you several months ago. Write out your goals and look at them regularly, by doing so you’ll reach that finish line!

Here are a few fun ways you can celebrate your "Writer's Independence" this year on the 4th. 
1. Take the day off. Use today to enjoy spending time with friends and family or just read a book or chill out. You need and deserve to take time for yourself! Plus, you’ll get a lot more writing done tomorrow when you are relaxed and refreshed!
2. Do something else creative.  Any sort of creative activity is good for your mind. Find a fun 4th project and jump on in! If you like to scrapbook or take photographs or even draw or paint, let your creative muse go wild and it just might spark some writing ideas for when you get back at after the holiday.
3. Go people watching. A holiday is a great time to go people-watching. Study people’s habits, interactions, and dialogue for use in one of your current or future stories. Take notes while you are out or go home and jot down all that you remember.  As the mother of eight kids, I can't tell you how much fodder I get for my writing by simply stepping back and observing my own family!
4. Tune into your senses. Wonderful descriptive writing starts with the senses. Whether you are out at a party or relaxing in your backyard, take note of what you see hear, taste, smell and touch. Use as many words as necessary to describe the taste, smell, and touch of today’s delicious holiday barbecue, then jot down what you see and all the sounds you hear during tonight’s fireworks. Enjoy!

How are you spending your day? And what do you plan to make your day more creative?

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