Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Writer's Retreat

From Cheryl's Writing Crate

Doctor's, lawyers, nurses, teachers, accountants and even clergy all take an oath, in one form or another, and pledge to deliver their professional services according to the best of their ability as well as adhere to their coveted professional guidelines that come along with their licenses and degrees.

Writers also take an oath, although it's mainly an agreement they sign up with themselves and of course, their editors, and one of the most important components that every writer must meet is the all-encompassing deadline!

If you write for any publication on a regular basis, you as a writer realize that making deadline, on time, is a no brainer.  It's expected, it's professional, it's many times non-negotiable and most of all it helps keep a writer accountable and on track.

My life as a writer often takes a big back seat to my role as the busy mother of eight.  Despite my best efforts and intentions, unless I have a deadline set in stone, I don't get nearly as much writing accomplished as I desire.  I think that's just called "life"!  On the other hand, I have very big dreams and goals for my writing life, so I'm truly learning that although my family is my biggest joy and priority there is absolutely no reason that my passion for writing should have to be treated as an afterthought if a deadline is not included.

I think I may have just received an answer to some of my self-inflicted writing turmoils--making the time to fulfill my muse.  How you ask?  My birthday is right around the corner, and my Writer's Crate blogging partner, Kate, gifted me with some amazing writing gifts, one being a gift set called, The Writer's Retreat Kit, A Guide for Creative Exploration & Personal Expression  by Judy Reeves.

Would you believe I read and devoured the entire book and kit while waiting at the registry of motor vehicles this past week?  I made so many notes about how I could escape into a writing retreat of my dreams (escaping to a mountain cabin near a lake for an entire month) or how I could take advantage of 1/2 hour in my very own home.  I left that miserable place called the DMV feeling inspired and able to achieve any writing goal possible rather than feeling frustrated that I had just given 2 plus hours of my valuable time sitting amongst folks who were miserable because they too were stuck waiting and waiting and waiting.

Have you ever attended a writer's retreat with a group or simply by yourself?  What moves you to write if you aren't up against a deadline?

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